Thursday, March 21, 2013

not everything is true.

assalamualaikum :)

"kadang2 apa yang kita jangka tak semua betul"

yeah, not everything that we though will be true because we dont have the power.

sometimes, we may though that we will get the best one.
coz we always forget that Allah have organise it for us.

sometimes, we may though that we will get the best prince/princess for us.
but we forget that Allah have chose the one for us.

sometimes, we may think that we are the best.
but we forget that Allah create us same to others.

sometimes , we may make mistake.
then that the use of the people around us to remind us.
but, we always not really accept their reminder.

aku pun bukan budak baik pun .
exam yang makin dekat nie, masalah yang menimpa2 nie buat aku tak peduli sangat dekat orang sekeliling.
sorry to say . bukan nak belagak.
just beri aku peluang sendiri.
you dont know what i'm doing coz you're not me.

keserabutan semua nie, yes mmg beri tekanan.
but aku tak tunjuk semua depan orang.
sebab aku takkan orang sekeliling aku rasa tension tgk muke aku yang hodoh bile buat macam tuh , haha.
sbb itu ler yang aku nampak dekat muka orang2 yang moody nie.
so kirang kalau nak moody baik takyah tunjuk muka kat aku.
kang aku cakap hodoh kang mahu terus taknak tegur aku, haha!

itu sebab lah Allah beri kita akal dan fikiran.
guna akal kita sebaik mungkin.
fikir dalam2 dulu before nak buat2 muka tuh.
ingat sikit bila kita buat muka moody tu , org yg tengok pun terasa moodynye sekali , tahu ?
jangan senang sangat jump to conclusion.
bila kita rasa orang tuh da okeh tanya elok2.
then bila orang tu tanak cakap so tayah lar.
anda bukan orgnya yang dia nak share prob dye! haha.

orang mungkin boleh tengok aku bergelak ketawa,
tapi dalam hati siapa tahu kan?
lagipun takan larh aku ak cakap kat korang kan ? haha .
so , be easy . 
cover your expression if you have a problem as much as you can.
but , of course you cant cover from the person that always see you everyday, haha.

semuanya ditangan Tuhan..
kita hanya mampu merancang dan berusaha.
and the thing will happen when Allah say that it will happen.
tapi kita tak boleh telalu nak mengharapkan Allah sediakan untuk segalanya.
we also need to try our best then Allah will help us.

okeh , last advice.
buat larh sesuatu tu mula2 kerana Allah and then everything will be easier :)
* reminder untuk diri sendiri jugak nie, hehe..

lagipun memang life aku sekarang kerana Allah and my mom :)
segala yang aku buat sekarang hanya untuk dua perkara tu.
tu sebab rasa bersalah sangat tak dapat 4 flat ups2 aritu -.-

okeh lar , abis cerita dah.

thanks sweatheart ^^
xoxo, assalamualaikum :)

the last year being teenagers ? -.-

assalamualaikum :)
okeh , last2 nak dekat pspm nieh subject2 yang ta berat ni pun tak belaja sangat .
english tak berat ?  hahaha .
btw , tadi buat essay tajuk teenagers nowadays too pampered.
ada la pulak classmate nieh tanye ,
"sir , teenagers umur dari bape sampai berapa ? "
sir pun jawab lah , " 15 teen untill 19 teen "
oh hoo..sir dah cakap macam tuh sume bising larh .
"mean ni tahun last kitorang teenagers ye sir? "
"yup ! "
haha , sume taley terima hakikat, haha.
*btw, kelas ni memang slumber jer ta speaking time english xP
tapi aku still 18 agi , blum sampai tahun akhir teenagers, haha!

teenagers ? takde beza bagi aku .
aku dari dulu sampai sekarang sama jer, hehe.

Monday, March 18, 2013

what your feel ?


Assalamualaikum :)

hey guys , just a simple post for a question .

* sorry kalau ada yang terasa .

just a question , for the couple of course .

don't you feel shy to show off your couple to the others ?

don't you feel it can come out with a 'fitnah' ?

yeah, fitnah maybe.

when people keep talking about you and your partner .

no matter they talking is true or not but if not it is a real 'fitnah' right ?

then , others also can get 'dosa' from you.

don't you think that you show to others your 'dosa' 

when you keep holding hands to each other ?

walking together at anywhere ?

show to others that you are a loving couple ?

don't you shy doing it ?

just think about it .

whatever you're doing , you bring your family's name .

bad or good of it is in your hand .

okay , close the topic.

up to becoming exam :
  • study as smart as you can .
  • take care of your healthy .
  • being the person that is nice with other and others will pray for your success .
  • don't think to much .
  • Allah always help in everything you do as long as it right .
  • don't be busybody with others , tegur and then blah :D
  • loves Allah and Allah will love you back.
* reminder for myself ;)
for the beloved friends , you also shoud do what i'm doing.

okay bye !
xoxo , assalamualaikum :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013


assalamualaikum :)

what means of BFF ?
best friend forever ?
or boy friend forever ? 
haha . 
don't know to consider what .
depends dekat tiap2 orang larh .
and of course untuk saya bff stand for best friend forever .
yeah. for me, friends is number one after family.

but what the ?
i just can give an advice but i can't ask you to follow my advice even i mean it.
second and the third time , i can repeat it.
but when it comes to the forth fifth or sixth time .
i think you will hate me.

i just want the best .
the best for you , the best for us.
our future is still far.
but what we do today will show who we are in future.
and as a best friend, of course i want the best for us in the future!

we must work hard today , to be ease in the future.
our hardworking today is valuable if we do our best today
and we get whats we want tomorrow.

work hard today.
to show for them that we also can do.
we also can be the best as them.
we also can give the happiness for our family.
we also can get what we want.

just being yourself.
if you want the best for your future,
just focus on what you want.

Allah always help His ummah.
being good with others,
have a good relationship with Allah,
and just do what your aim with recite Bismillah.
and Allah will easier your way if your aim is
with Bismilliah. (dgn nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang)

just remember Allah in everything you do..
and you will know what are you doing is dosa or pahala.

muhasabah diri , 
diri da besar jadi pandai2 la tahu dosa pahala.
Allah akan tolong umatNya yang tidak lupakanNya.

xoxo , assalamualaikum :)