Thursday, March 22, 2012

hurm :D

assalamualaikum :)

hello everybody :D

first , thanks to all teachers .

and sorry to say to cegu sam ,

saye dah kata saye tak boleh, huhu .

btw , ok larh tu dari dlu fail ;P

kami and the pau , congrats guys !!

we had performed well , dont ever frusted .

i know u all are the best .

best friends that i ever had to help me .

best friends that i ever had to teach me .

best friends that i ever had to guide me .

it all from u alls .

thank u very2 much!

ade mase, ade masyuk kite kuar same ^^

and baby-G yang ditunggu2 akhirnye sampai .

wohoo .

kire hadiah untuk diri sendiri ler nie, haha^^

papepun, ak sangat bersyukur dengan ape yang terjadi .

Allah knows everything :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

second handmade :D

assalamualaikum . .

okay . rarely update .

taon nie busy sikit, haha ^^

and kemalasan untuk mengupdate bertambah pulak ;D

acely , AK just nak tunjuk second handmade AK je .

alhamdulillah , usaha sabar dua minggu siap jugak benda nie .

walaupun banyak dugaan buatnye :D

okeh . inilar yang ak buat dua minggu nie :D

*abaikan muke yang sememeh tu , muke penat. haha^^

nice comment from teacher ;D

thank you teacher .

assalamualaikum :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

be honest :D

assalamualaikum :)

be honest and don't make others down .

be honest then others will be honest with you .

be honest if you don't want to be their friends .

be honest if you don't comfortable with them .

be honest if you don't like their ways .

be honest if you are not in mood .

be honest and others would like to be your friend .

be honest and they will believe in you .

be honest and you get the best things .

be honest to make others like your ways .

the fact is , it difficult to meet an honest person :)